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Thanks for listening to Raw Data By P3 Adaptive...Have a Data Day!

Feb 8, 2022

Today, on Raw Data by P3 Adaptive, our special guest is Priscilla Camp, tech blogger, Power BI enthusiast, user group leader, and data diva.  Joining us from sunny Orlando Florida, Priscilla shares her Accidental DBA story. Like so many others, she began her evolutionary process in IT where she learned there are better, frictionless methods to fine tune data. Now, her skills are shared via her I.T. Data Diva blog to help others navigate the process. Also on this episode, we get her take on mixed use of SQL and M to cleanse and transform data. Her advice to SQL users: Always use Power Query for dates. You can find Priscilla on Twitter @ITDataDiva.

References in this episode:

Orlando Power BI User Group

Alligators in ice

Data and AI Central Florida

SQL Saturday

One of the World’s Most Amazing Humans, w/ Matt Allington

Accidental DBA

Power Query Date Handling Expertise: Read our blog on consecutive dates in Power Query.


Cover Hawk

DA-100: Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI – Tips to help you succeed

P3 Adaptive Hiring process -yes, we're hiring

Surfing the Changing Seas of Data w/ Chris Webb