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Thanks for listening to Raw Data By P3 Adaptive...Have a Data Day!

Jan 25, 2022

Today on Raw Data by P3 Adaptive, our guest is the mysterious Scree from the Undead Lords Guild. Choosing to remain anonymous, Scree brings his data and Power BI experience from his ‘day job’ in an informationally protected industry to his hobby and passion: gaming. Being part of the admin team gives Scree the...

Jan 18, 2022

Tim Rodman revisits his backyard BBQ education in PowerPivot. Not just any BBQ, this one hosted two corporate powerhouses casually chatting analytic software over the grill. After this informal introduction, Tim went on to become yet another Power BI OG. Flash forward to current times where his experience with Acumatica...

Jan 11, 2022

Lars Schreiber is another one of the great examples of the human element of data that we love!  He's an MVP, a long-standing member of the Power BI Community, and his passion for the Power Platform is quite catchy.  Catch up with Lars at his website, Self Service BI Blog!

References in this episode:

Lars' Podcast with...

Jan 4, 2022

For the second part of our 2022 New Year double feature, we sat down with Olivier Travers.  Olivier has had quite the data journey that has taken him from France to Germany, Portugal, Italy, and finally, to Chile where he serves clients all over the world as a Business Intelligence advisor and expert in...

Jan 4, 2022

We're starting off 2022 with a dual release party!

Our guest for the first part of the double feature is Geoff Mcneely, a very interesting human!  He has a degree in Anthropology (we can check that one off of our interesting background list!)  He's a Power BI OG, starting one of the first two Power BI user groups (Rob...