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Thanks for listening to Raw Data By P3 Adaptive...Have a Data Day!

Dec 21, 2021

It's the last episode of Raw Data for 2021!  Thank you to all of our awesome guests for taking the time to tell their stories, and thank you to everyone that listened to us and supported this fun little thing that we do!

This week's episode is a bit of a fun departure, as we peel back the curtain and talk a bit with...

Dec 14, 2021

The data gene lurks everywhere, including deep in the heart of Texas High School Football!  Enter Coach Chase Hargis, Defensive coach of the Magnolia High School Football team in Texas and also a data guy, who asked P3 Adaptive to help with a very specific data to visualize football data so as to give an...

Dec 7, 2021

What's the first feeling that you get when you hear the word Sales or Salesperson?  We believe that most people do not get warm fuzzies when they hear those words!

Carson Heady is Director, Health Solutions - U.S. Health & Life Sciences at Microsoft and shatters the negative stereotypes of the Salesperson.  He is about...